Friday, 27 May 2011

Update! Steven Tyler Is A Piece Of Shit! Part 2!

TW for abortion discussion, victim blaming, pedophilia

I wrote about this a while ago. I can't even convey how much I fucking hate Steven Tyler. While I don't want my ranting about how much of a pedophile fuck he is to take center stage around here, I thought I would just articulate about how monstrous he was concerning that statutory rape and abortion deal he was "involved" with. The child, Julia Holcomb, that he apparently forced to get pregnant has grown up and is sharing her side of the story, found here among other places. 

The facts are chilling. This girl had an obviously traumatic childhood. Her mother signed away legal guardianship to Tyler, so that he could take her cross-country with him on his tours. Her birth control was taken away, indeed thrown out a window, to ensure that pregnancy would occur. Forced impregnation is one of the crimes most heinous perpetrated against women. It binds women, both financially and with obligation to care for the new life to the oppressive man who impregnates them. It silences them under the weight of increased duty and responsibility which the man, having done his "duty" will not share. It is a psychological weapon wielded by men and even if abortion is "allowed" to the woman, the damage is done. She did not choose this pregnancy. Whether or not she chose the abortion is now by and large irrelevant.

After a house fire, in which Holcomb was hospitalized due to smoke inhalation, Tyler then pressured her into the abortion. While he states he was worried about the safety of the child, due to the smoke inhalation, I surmise he was worried about his career and lifestyle, thinking that it would be harder to rape other women children, if he had a wife and child on tour with him. After offering no support when Holcomb stated she wanted to keep the child and continuing to pester her about aborting it, she reluctantly agreed. Tyler DID stay around for the procedure. He just spent the time snorting rails on the bedside table. He was nice enough to offer one to Holcomb. As he left he told her "the baby had been born alive and allowed to die.". That kind of information can only serve to mentally scar the parents of the aborted child, so why would it be released at all? I think that Tyler made this up, told Holcomb that story to hurt her further, put the blame that his child was aborted on her even though he wouldn't have had a hand in raising it and indeed didn't want it. But, it was his offspring, his apparent son, and why should he take any kind of responsibility or feel any guilt? That's not what men do. Men fuck. Women care. That's just how it is in Steven Tyler's rock 'n' roll 'n' rape world. Unfortunately, this is the world that most women are forced to live in, too.

The fact that Steven Tyler was painted as a tragic victim in all of this is the terrible icing on the cake. He was, and is a monster. The facts are there: he raped a minor who was in his care. Whether she was fourteen as he said or sixteen as she said makes no difference, as either way she was still just a child to his twenty-odd years of age. He deprived her of food, water and social contact. He provided her unsafe, unsanitary living conditions, which led to the fire that hospitalized her. He provided her drugs in lieu of proper care. He forced her to get pregnant, then forced her to get an abortion. He then said the most hurtful thing any person could say in that situation. And he's a famous mega-star. People buy his records. People watch him on their televisions. He should be in jail for the rest of his life, and all his assets should be appropriated and distributed to women in need, women facing the same kind of coercion and violence and trauma that he inflicted on Julia Holcomb. When will people take a stand? When will those famous pedophile freaks out there ever be held accountable. Steven Tyler has been on my boycott list for a long time, but I implore all of you to join me on that. Write the producers of American Idol and ask, no demand his departure from the show. Write your local radio stations and demand that they take Aerosmith out of their rotation. Make him poor and forgotten, just as he left Julia Holcomb.

I hope this to be the last time I ever discuss Steven Fucking Tyler here.


  1. I always thought he was a creep. And did you at least watch a few episodes of American Idol? He would always be making these really, uncomfortable, and uncalled-for sexual remarks to female auditioners... and some of them were 15 or 16 (he actually had the nerve to say those things in front of the camera). And yet, no one called him out on that. I actually liked some of Aerosmith's songs, but the things he does just pisses me off.

  2. You all are insane. He is a really cool guy. And if you read the full version of Julia's story, then you'll find out that he didn't rape her. They both wanted to have a baby and after the fire, Steven was afraid that having the baby would hurt Julia. Seriously, get your facts strait. Im not saying what he did was right, but he is very sorry. He has paid the price for that. What happened to a little forgiveness in this country? And he was JOKING with the 15 year olds! Jeez, get a sense of humor. It's not like he's gonna kidnap them.
    Oh, and Grey, if you actually pay attention, he plays vocals, harmonica, piano, percussion, guitar, bass guitar, mandolin, violin, flute, mellotron, hammered dulcimer, accordion, saxophone, trumpet, and drums. That would be 14 instruments, not counting his voice.

  3. Anonymous:

    Fact 1) When a twenty something man has intercourse with a sixteen year old girl that's STATUTORY rape. That means it's rape, in the eyes of the law.

    Fact 2) My facts are quite straight. He has paid no price for his actions, as he is a rich and famous douchebag.

    Fact 3) I have a sense of humor. Pedophilia, however, does not rate very highly at all upon it. The comments Tyler makes to young girls aren't "jokes" because he's actually DONE THESE THINGS TO MINORS. Get it?

    Fact 4) I didn't know he could play so many instruments. Point to you. He's still a rapist. Match to me.

    1. I don't understand the legal guardian thing. If you are the legal guardian of a child, you can have sex with them apparently? That makes about as much sense as saying it's legal to have sex with your own children. Why isn't this guy in jail?

    2. Exactly. For this, and so many other reasons, why ISN'T this douchenozzle in jail? He's one of the world's most (in)famous child rapists. They put him on T.V. In close proximity to kids just the age he likes them. Are you starting to see just how fucked up our society is when it comes to forgiving the transgressions of its' so-called (male) celebrities?

  4. I agree, how did he get away with that, and what kind of a mother signs over her 14 year old daughter to a rock star? We all know the lives rock stars lead. That poor girl was failed by her mother most of all.

    1. While I agree she was failed, the blame shouldn't fall solely on her mother. Why are men allowed to basically purchase women and children, in one way or another, all over the world? Tyler deserves the lion's share of the blame here, I'm not going to weigh in on Holcomb's parents until I know more of their situation and how much involvement and choice they actually had in the matter. The bottom line is, Steven Tyler wouldn't have been able to simply become this girls' legal guardian if society didn't turn a blind eye to the actions of rich and famous men.

  5. Agree agree agree! He's a morally void individual, but I believe in karma! Just look at him. He now is starting to look on the outside like what he is on the inside.

    1. Sorry for the late reply. All I can say to this is: Word. I hope he gets his withered old wiener caught in a bear trap. And then he gets eaten by a bear.
